Get a Free E-Book of All for Good
You can get your own free Kindle copy of All for Good, available March 17 through March 21. If you already have a electronic copy or even a hard copy, tell a friend about it. Hey, it’s free!
All for Good is the first of the Vacation Friends Romance series, the story of friends Emily and Daniel reconnecting and exploring what life might be like if they choose to take their friendship to the next level. Plus, the setting is the Pocono mountains, so there’s that.
Things are fairly quiet in my world these days as I continue writing book 4, Nathan’s story. He and Sophia are at a turning point in their relationship. I’m not worried that they they won’t get together; I just want to make sure that they know what the stakes are.
I’m very excited about next month’s newsletter. One of my romance-writer idols, Nan Reinhardt, is going to join me in an interview, and we’ll talk about the book she has launching right around the time the April newsletter goes out. Like me, Nan’s an editor in her “other life,” and I’ve somewhat modeled my romance writing experience after her journey.
If you’re not on the newsletter mailing list, please sign up now at the top of this page or on the home page.
Sentence skills snippet: I love words, so because there is an apostrophe in “St. Patrick’s Day,” I’m sharing this apostrophe joke:
Q: Why should you never date an apostrophe?
A: They’re too possessive.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day (with an apostrophe!).