Valentine’s Week Kindle Countdown Deal
February 3 through 10, Amazon will be offering a Kindle Countdown deal for All for Good. That means that, for only seven days, the Kindle version of this romance novel will cost $1.99 instead of the usual $3.99. The goal is entice new readers to the series. With book two in the review stage, I hope to encourage greater readership.
I’m watching and learning …
It’s been more than two months since my last blog. That’s because I don’t think I quite understand the whole drive-people-to-my site thing. I’m going to explore some other options to reach readers—maybe Goodreads blogging.
Today, I worked on book 2 of my “other series.” Book 2 of the Vacation Friends series is in review. It will be interesting to figure out how to balance writing both series and holding a full-time job. That’s certainly a dilemma that I’m NOT complaining about.
Click on my Contact button to let me know you visited this site. I need the feedback to figure out what is the best way to communicate regularly with readers.
I’ve Been Interviewed!
I’m so thankful to author Nan Reinhardt for interviewing me for her blog and introducing me to her readers: Nan is an amazing romance writer, and I’ve been following her since her first book, Rule Number One, published in 2012. Her latest series, Four Irish Brothers Winery, is charming, and the characters are so relatable! I want to be their friend! Don’t miss her Women of Willow Bay series, which focus on the romance stories of mature women.
So my book has launched on Amazon. I’m nervous but excited. Now it’s time to start advertising it. I posted it on Facebook, so friends and family will see it today. I think I’ll wait a bit and then do the Twitter and Instagram thing. I'm up to the editing stage of the second book in the series, but I'll take a break to "market" this one. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes! I started down this road to have fun with it, so I want to keep that tone and that emotion as I go along.
Starting Out
I figured I should start blogging before I launch my book so that I know what I’m doing when the time comes.
Here’s where I am: Within the next week or so, I should be able to launch my first novel, All for Good, through Kindle Direct Publishing on Amazon. I’ll produce an e-book and a print-on-demand version. It sounds fairly simple, but this “prepublishing” stage has been the hardest part of creating a book. I’ve been writing and editing marketing communications my whole career, so the writing and editing part was fun. The rest of it has been, well, scary.
My new friend Lee has been working on formatting my book for both digital and print. She does an amazing job, and you should check out her book, At Last, on Amazon. However, there are so many tiny things to consider, and to my coworkers who are quality-control proofreaders, my hat goes off to you. My old friend Joe has been working on my cover. I’m mortified that I’ve had so many tweaks along the way. On the bright side, we are closing in on the perfect cover.
So in some ways, I’m at the point where I can’t wait. In other ways, I’m still nervous as can be.
I’m hoping that the next time you hear from me, I’ll have a link to my book on Amazon!